God’s Plan
But Rich believes that the whole of this event was God’s made up plan. “I strongly believe that God led me to this GoPro because the only thing I saw was the end tip of the thumbscrew and everything else was just covered in muck,” Aloha told WSB-TV.
Life is really uncertain. One moment you’re living your life and enjoying each second, and you would never know that that could be your last day. Richard used to live his life to the fullest but no one could think of what happened to him.
After losing their son two years back, Richard’s parents Robin and Gary were reunited with their son through his GoPro. They had never thought they could get closure to the incident, and that too something as close and direct as the video.
Kind and helpful people are hard to find but sure exist in the world. There’s a lot that Rich could have himself done with the GoPro or just could have thrown it away. But he really took the extra efforts to find Richard’s family and give them what belonged to them.