My Human Is My Throne


Since this cat’s home has fogged windows, she needs a little boast to see out the top. Fortunately, this feline’s owner doesn’t mind holding her up like royalty. The Reddit user writes, “She likes to watch the bin men, but can’t see out by herself.”

If the owner is so keenly aware that her cat likes to watch the garbage men, we have to wonder if this is a weekly tradition. The cat certainly seems comfortable with sitting on their person like you would a throne.

Shhhh, My Show Is On!


This Reddit user bluntly stated, “Spoiled cat doesn’t leave me alone until I put on her show.” We can practically feel the frustration in the cat owner’s words. It’s clear who wears the pants in this household.

While you’d expect an animal to be fascinated by the outside world, it’s a bit strange to see one starring so adamantly at a computer screen. This cat is so domesticated, she may as well be a teenager who won’t stop looking at their phone.

That’s What You Call A Cat House?


That’s one angry cat if we ever saw one. His eyebrow muscles are shoved together like a human who’s giving someone the silent treatment. Given the glorious cat house sitting in the background, something seems amiss.

The Reddit user who posted this photo explained that her boyfriend spent three months building the feline structure, which even has a heater! This cat is so spoiled that he hasn’t even stepped foot into it, and even has his back turned to the thoughtful gift.