Biting To Where It Hurts Means They’re Fearful


It’s never fun when your cat bites you, but when it does, there are several reasons for it. In the wild, biting is a normal way for cats to express themselves, so it makes sense that they continue the habit even though they’re domesticated.

Your kitty might bite you because it’s angry or stressed, and they’re trying to communicate those emotions to you in the only way they know how. Others believe that it is just a defense mechanism when they’re afraid. Then some think biting is equivalent to playing. All we know is that it hurts!

They Do Their Business Outside The Litter Box Because They Don’t Like The Box

They Do Their Business Outside The Litter Box Because They Don't Like The Box

It’s always annoying when your pet does their business outside of the designated area, but for a cat, it can also be the sign of a more serious problem. If your cat isn’t using their litter box, it most likely means that they do not care for the actual litter box, the litter itself, or the box’s location. We know, we know… cats are so materialistic.

The only suggestion we have is to try and change it up, the box, litter, and the location. That being said, it could also be a medical issue, in which case you should bring your kitty to the vet.

Cats Will Sleep All Day To Save Energy

Cats Will Sleep All Day To Save Energy

When kittens sleep, they release growth hormones that are important for their development. This means that young cats sleep a lot, even more than adults, so don’t let it be a cause for concern! That being said, adult cats are known to doze off from time to time.

Cats do this to save energy, a trait left over from when they had to expend lots of energy hunting for their next meal in the wild. They will also fall asleep easily if they’re bored and there is nothing for them to do. So, if you’d like your kitty to be awake more, try playing with it!

Head Pressing Is Immediate Cause To Go To The Vet

Head Pressing Is Immediate Cause To Go To The Vet

Occasionally, cats will press their heads up against a wall or other hard object for no apparent reason, accompanied by unusual vocal sounds that cats don’t typically make. And, no, it’s not because they’re feeling guilty about something that they may or may not have done.

If your pet is doing this odd act, keep in mind that it is not normal, and you should bring them to the vet as soon as possible. Head pressing is often a sign of damage to the nervous system from some type of trauma, a tumor, poisoning, or other causes.

Chewing On Things Could Mean They’re Stressed

Chewing On Things Could Mean They're Stressed

Don’t be distraught if you catch your kitty chewing on something that isn’t food or a toy. The act can be the sign of a condition called pica. Unfortunately, even expert cat behaviorists aren’t certain what causes pica. They think there could be a connection to nutritional issues, or that it may be caused by stress and anxiety.

If you see your cat starting to chew on things, just be sure to keep an eye on them because it can be bad for your kitty’s digestive system. If they continue to chew on non-food items, you might want to think about bringing them to the vet.

Purring Is A Form Of Communication And Happiness

Purring Is A Form Of Communication And Happiness

There is something oddly satisfying about having your kitty purr while you are petting them. Unfortunately, purring isn’t as simple as we’d like to think, and scientists know less about the behavior than any other cat noise. Yes, sometimes the sound means that the cat is happy and satisfied, but it can mean various other things, too.

Cats purr as a form of communication, but also as a way to calm themselves down when they’re feeling anxious or stressed. The vibration from the sound soothes them, even causing their owners to calm down, too.