Ready To Die

As the day to euthanize Ben Ben was looming, the cat gave up food and water. He was always lying in the corner hiding from everyone. It seemed like he was waiting for the date to arrive so that he can be freed from this long-suffering. It was very clear that he gave up on life.

Just Two Years Old

Nobody would believe that Ben Ben was just 2 years old. Too young for all the pain. Cats and dogs stay most active in the first four years of their lives and looking at Ben Ben felt* like he has already lived for ages. But did he? No. The euthanasia date was just 24 hours away. And people were bidding their goodbyes to the Benjamin Button.

End Of Pain

Within a short time of 2 years, Ben Ben had faced so much that his body had scars at different everywhere and his eyes were these oceans of sorrows. Anyone who looked at the cat felt pity for him. When everyone thought that soon Ben Ben’s life was about to end, in reality, it was about to change.

A Savior?

Less than 24 hours before Ben Ben was to be euthanized, Sandy Windover convinced her beloved, Adam Tutt to let her bring Ben Ben home to give the cat one chance to live. Adam who himself loves animals was ready to bring the cat home. They could see what others can’t see in Ben Ben a mere hope to live.

Couple To The Rescue

“We decided to adopt him because he’s just a baby, and we believe, even if animals are broken or ‘not normal,’ they deserve a second chance and a loving home,” said Windover. What she saw in the two-year-old cat was not wrong and time was going to prove it. 

Where Am I?

Sandy and Adam took Ben Ben to their home and gave him a place near the bathroom. They had other cats too and they knew that they’ll need time to adjust with the new member of the family. Ben Ben the cat who never even moved or purred suddenly changed and Sandy and Adam never expected what happened next.