The Incident

It was the year 2004, and Jerry had decided to connect his new TV in the living room on his own. The whole setup was done but there was just one thing left. It was to connect the main wire for cable connection. Jerry wanted to drill a hole in the wall and pass the wire through it. But he had yet to figure out where to drill the hole.
Coming Up With A Plan

In order to get the connection to line up perfectly, Jerry came up with a plan. Jerry decided to lower an object into the wall cavity tied on the end of a string. Now it was obvious he can’t see the object inside the wall cavity so he needed something which didn’t need to be seen but worked the same. That is when he decided to tie an alarm clock to the string.
Setting Timer

He decided to set an alarm for ten minutes later and lowered the object slowly inside the wall cavity. So that when the alarm goes off he will be able to hear it and drill the hole precisely for the TV cable. Except, the plan which sounded doable in theory, did not execute properly.
Executing The Plan

Jerry set the alarm for ten minutes, giving himself enough time to lower the object from the upstairs air vent on the second floor and reaching the living room to get into position, ready with his drill. Jerry tied the clock on a string and lowered it into position. Then he went downstairs and waited for the alarm to go off.

As soon as Jerry heard the sound of the alarm, he put his drill machine into position and began drilling a hole in the wall. Things were going great until Jerry heard a sound which made him pause in his track. The alarm clock had fallen off the string and went down with a loud thud.
Bad Execution

Jerry realized, at that moment, that his plan may not have executed well. The alarm clock had detached itself and fallen hitting the floor. So that could only mean two things, it is either broken from the fall or even if it is not broken, there is no way to retrieve it now.