Getting Started

Jerry asked them to come around the time when the sound comes so that it is easier for them to understand what they are dealing with. The company sent two contractors, Dawn and Kieth. They both had the most experience and practical knowledge. The contractors didn’t have to wait too long for it since the sound went off in a few minutes right on schedule.
Finding The Source

The first thing the contractors noticed was that even though the voice echoed in the whole house, it must have one source. There is only one thing which is present all around the house through which sound can travel easily, the air vent. So that is where they decided to commence their investigation.
Checking The Vent

The contractors began their inspection of the vent. The sound is the loudest in their living room, as much as they could tell. So the duo removed the opening to the air vent in the living room and managed to look inside. From the looks of it, there was nothing unusual about the vent. But that is when they noticed another opening of the vent which was connected with the garage.
Opening The Garage

The contractors decided to look through the opening of the air vent in the garage. Once they had unscrewed the frame, they realized that the area is not visible clearly from here either. So they decided to take another measure to reach the source.
Looking Inside

The contractors decided to cut out some drywall in the garage and pinpoint the exact position. Once the drywall was cut out big enough to see inside, one of them took a flashlight and pointed it inside the wall. That is when he saw something which left him absolutely puzzled.
Seeing Something

The beam of the flashlight landed on a tiny object, “I see a clock with vibrant numbers stuck on a wire”. Sylvia and both the contractors were confused, and so was Jerry for just about a second before his eyes went wide. Sylvia looked at him, eyes full of confusion. But he paid no attention to her expressions as he was already down the memory lane.