Haunted House?

Sylvia was not happy about the theories which suggested that their house was haunted. Even though that’s what most of the people believed, especially those who might have heard the sound, for them it was undoubtedly a haunting.
Favorable Factors

For it to be a haunting, all the factors added up. It was a sound that could not be explained but echoed throughout their house. It comes out at the same time every night and lasts for roughly a minute. All these constituents gave the same conclusion.
The Non-believer

If Sylvia was spooked out and paranoid then Jerry was the entire opposite of it. He did not believe in any of these paranormal theories. He knew there has to be some rational explanation even if they haven’t found it yet. He tried so hard for many years but eventually, he just made his peace with it. It became something they just lived with.

But Jerry knew Sylvia has not been at peace with it. Especially lately, after hearing these haunted story theories. He knew she has been restless and facing difficulty falling asleep. He had to do something to help her. But he didn’t know what to do. Over the years he has called in a plumber, a carpenter, a cleaner but none of them seemed to know what to do.
Last Try

He will try again, one last time, for Sylvia. Jerry pulled out his directory and started his search for a contractor who can come and take a look. After doing some digging he came across a local company and called them requesting their best workers. It was decided they will come first thing tomorrow morning.
The Contractors

The next morning, Jerry was up earlier than usual. He wanted everything to be ready, even though the company assured him that the contractors will come with the necessary pieces of equipment. He was not sure what they are going to check but he moved around a few things just to give them space to work and put aside a few fragile things.