First And The Last Kiss
Already scared Cathy heavy heartedly decided to abandon her daughter. She kissed the forehead of her daughter and left the baby in a public space that was the bathroom in one of the Burger King outlets. That was the first and the last kiss that Katheryn received from her biological mother.
Katheryn could only sympathize with her mother. She thought it was easy to make a mistake on the heels of trauma. She also thought of how blessed she was that she was guarded by people who were angels by heart. She got her answer and decided to move on.
Following an initial meeting, on NBC’s TODAY scheduled an initial meeting for the three ladies. Katheryn, Cathy, and Brenda were invited to share their stories. This meeting was not just a regular meeting but an opportunity to heal the past and forge a new relationship.
A series of co-incidents took place. Cathy’s full name is Catherine Ann, and Brenda unknowingly named her daughter Katheryn Ann. Not only this, both women drive the same car, down to the color. Coming to the profession, Cathy too worked as an EMT.
A Happy Ending
The newly acquainted mother and daughter have the rest of their lives to unravel all the ways their stories were entwined. Katheryn, with two mothers, finally found her answers and on a happy note, they continued living together and share a good bond.