The couple named the baby “Katheryn”. For the very first time, the “burger king baby” had an identity of her own. With a promise to give Katheryn all the love and affection she deserved, the couple headed to become a “happy family”.
A Good Girl
Katheryn, like any other girl of her age, attended dance classes, participated in sports and completed homework on time. She was a good scholar and along with studies, she had a keen interest in extra-curricular activities. Her parents used to provide her with the best facilities available.
Tell Her Or Not?
As Katheryn grew old, her parents became anxious and were dilemmatic whether to reveal the truth or not. Brenda and Carl never faced the kind of stress they were facing at that moment in their lives, but somehow, they decided upon something and were about to implement the same.
The Right Time
Katheryn soon turned 12 and was undoubtedly understanding. Hollis and Brenda thought it to be the right time to disclose the secret they were keeping since Katheryn’s infancy. It was hard to reveal all that but, the couple took the step and told Katheryn the whole story of her abandonment.
Hard To Gulp
After learning the truth from her parents, her world turned upside down. She believed her parents must be kidding with her. All she knew was she was the daughter of Brenda and Carl, and to think anything other than that was just not possible for her.
To Make Her Believe
When Brenda and Carl failed in making her believe what the truth was, they showed Katheryn an album of press clippings. Over the years, Katheryn wore the pages from use. “I would never want to replace my adopted family, but being adopted, a part of you is missing and unless you’ve been adopted, you just don’t understand that,” said Katheryn.