Learning To Live

After meeting almost every ENT specialist in the county of Fife, Gemma soon concluded that she will have to learn to live like this only. She has been doing it for so many years now, she will do it for the rest of her life too.
Change In Priorities

Unlike Gemma, her mother was not okay with giving up and letting her live like this for the rest of her life. So she tried to keep up the hope for her mother’s sake. But soon enough, Gemma’s priorities changed for good. Motherhood does that to a woman. Her time and attention were occupied by her son and she was not complaining.
Living With Fear

Gemma’s life revolved around her son and between that and the cafe, her life got really busy. But at the back of her mind, there was a constant fear of loud noises. Even when she would play with her son, she could never handle more than two toys at the same time. But she never spoke about it to anyone.
A Slow Day

Gemma was brought back to the present day at the sound of customers walking in through the front door, the little bell jingling as the door opened and closed. It was a family of three, a couple and their little boy. She gave them a moment to settle down before reaching their table to take their order.
Coffee Cup

Once the family was done with breakfast, Gemma returned to their table to clean up. She was reaching for a coffee cup when it accidentally dropped on the floor. Before the cup could even hit the ground, Gemma knew what was coming. The smash sent a wave of dizziness in her head causing her to lose her balance and falling with the rest of the utensils.

A fellow waitress ran to her rescue and helped her take a seat. She quickly went to clean everything up. Once Gemma had regained her balance she went over to the family and apologized. “Loud noises and I don’t work well together”, she said with a nervous chuckle. The lady gave her a look which Gemma could not understand.