It was strange that the person who was such an active speaker of the 9/11 attack was absurdly silent when she got the mail. Well, the reason behind her silence was that she wasn’t even the survivor of the 9/11 attack! In fact, she wasn’t even present in the U.S!
The Truth
Head’s real name was Alicia Steve Head. She belonged to Barcelona, Spain. She was born on 31st July 1973. She had never visited the USA until 2003. Whatever she told the world about her surviving the attack was nothing but a big lie. She was not there in the tower.
Facts Cross-checked
To begin with the cross-checking of facts, the journalist first called in Merrill Lynch. When he asked for the records of Tania Head, the company told that there were no records of such name. Then he checked the records of Havard and Stanford and no records of her were found from either of the universities. He later went up to the family of Dave.
Pieces Don’t Fit
The article was published in the New York Times on 27th September 2007. This article changed the whole image of “the Tania Head”. This article not only exposed her web of lies but also told about the facts in her story.
Facts In The Story
Alicia plotted a story in which everyone believed. She was so good at expressing herself that no one ever questioned her. No one thought that what she was telling could be a big lie. Although she had some facts in her story. Welles Crowther was a real person who lost his life while saving others. He carried a woman on his back down to 17 flights of stairs and then went back to save other people.
The Mysterious Man
The journalist tried to get pieces of information about the mysterious dying man who gave her the ring which she was supposed to give to the dying man’s wife. But he could not find any evidence of him. Later it was assumed that he could be just a fictional character that she added to give an emotional touch to the story.