Chat Room And Dinners
Tania organized dinners for the families of people who lost their life. In those dinners, there was the family of Welles Crowther who lost his life while saving others. She told Welles’ mother that she still has the burnt pieces of his jacket which he gave to her when her clothes were on fire. She also said that she would give it to them as it was the last thing their son had touched.
Last Call
At 9.03 am on 11th September, Welles called home to tell that he was fine. His last message was, “Mom, this is Welles. I wanted you to know that I’m OK.” This was the last time his family heard his voice. In March 2002, his body was discovered from the remains of the building and the people told that his body was intact.
People Who Listen
Whether it was the victim’s family or the other survivors’ they listened to the tale and could not believe how Head was so full of hope even after seeing so much in front of her eyes and losing the love of her life.
Media Appearance
Tania was in news almost every day. She became an inspiration for many. Everything seemed to be fine until a journalist from the New York Times decided to interview her. He thought that it would be a great idea to interview the woman who is an inspiration for many.
The journalist was doing just some fact-checking before the interview. He checked the records of the company she worked in and the university she mentioned she had graduated from, about Dave and about the mysterious man who gave her the ring. But they discovered something no one could ever think of.
The Investigation
When the journalist was looking into her life he found some facts that were about to change the whole image of Tania Head. He also sent an email in which he asked the question about the company she worked in and Dave. But shockingly, Tania denied to give the interview and remained silent.