A Good News
Michael made visiting Laurin’s oncologist a part of their dates. For some three-four months, they both diligently paid the visit to the doctor and finally, it was in the year 2015 that the oncologist reported that Laurin has defeated the disease. And surprisingly every single germ causing Cancer has been killed. It meant she was perfectly healthy. However, unfortunately, their happiness was short-lived.
Planning The Future
Mike and Laurin were very happy realizing that they have together fought with Laurin’s Cancer. The duo was now looking forward to their future together. They were excited to coordinate with each other’s life and relish their time together. The couple had prepared a checklist for the things they wanted to do together not knowing that they would turn into their assumptions.
Traveling The World
Laurin and Michael were seeing each other for a couple of years now. And in those years they have explored the world together. They traveled to Arizona, Colorado, and Texas, Cancun and the Bahamas. While life was going all well till now, it soon took to extraordinary with their next trip.
The Niagara Falls
The next place the couple visited was Niagra Falls. They have traveled half of the world together and this trip was no different. They started loving their companionship and cherished spending time together. To them, life was just missing one thing to be perfect. And with this trip, the perfect thing happened, the unexpected also paved in.
The Proposal
Mike knew that Laurin has always dreamt of everything in the fairy tale manner and so taking her dream forward, Mike proposed to her at the Niagara Falls. Mike just like the prince on a white horse went on his knees and presented the much-awaited proposal to Laurin.”Can we keep this party going? Will you marry me”? asked a voice and Laurin obviously had no other choice than accepting it.
This happily ever after fairy tale soon had to face the wizards of the witchcraft in real.
The Wedding Planners
Laurin and Michael announced this great news to their respective families. Now that they were engaged, Laurin was over the moon while planning out her dream wedding. She would go shopping for clothes for her wedding and then she would look for various invitation card options and a lot more. When the duo decided the wedding date, nothing auspicious came along but the harsh past struck breaking the dreams.