Struggling To Survive
The woman then did not pay much attention to the man. As days passed, his words haunted her. She was constantly reminded that the man said that this was an expensive piece. With the advent of winters, the woman had to struggle to make a living. As told earlier, she wasn’t financially stable enough. It was then she believed the man’s words…
Travel To Sotheby’s

The woman constantly looked at her ring and somehow she believed what the man said might be right. As the ring looked extraordinary, there were chances that it costed something better. And if that was so, selling the ring would give her enough money to survive the winter. She thus decides to travel to Sotheby’s, London. The poor lady had no idea, what revelations the appraisers at the store would provide her with.
The Experts
Sotheby’s was the best place to get the answers to the much-awaited questions. This auctioneer shop had the experts with the best of the knowledge who could examine the ring and tell its actual worth. As the ring was not a very typical one, who did it originally belong to? How much did it cost? Or did it actually even cost something or was just an ordinary one? Soon this ring was about to make a history.
Testing It
The appraisers at the Sotheby’s were also amazed at finding such a huge piece of rock. Looking at the woman and her clothing, even they were amazed that she could own something this incredible. Even they hadn’t seen a stone this finely shaped. However, they asked the woman to leave the ring with them so that they could perform some tests to ensure its authenticity.
Checking For Authenticity
The Sotheby’s performed a few tests on the ring. They did the fog test and even looked for the piece o stone’s mounting. An original diamond would always be mounted in metal like gold and platinum. Not only this the experts even examined it under the jeweler’s loupe. And what they found next was simply enough to blow your mind away…
Informing The Owner
Sotheby immediately connected the call to the woman who bought this ring to them. Surprisingly, all the while when the ring was with the experts, the lady had weird thoughts. She thought that if the piece was a valuable one, maybe the store doesn’t return it to her. Or maybe it was all a master plan of that mysterious man. But when she got the call, even she was excited.