Acting Weird…
After Kathy took the lost pup to the vet, it was as if the dog became brand new again. She was free from any medical complications. The pup was now all clean, healthy and well-rested. She had not been living like this for quite a while now so it must have felt great for the puppy. Not only that, she had her tummy full and there was nothing else that the pup could ever wish for…
A Realization
Even though Kathy basically gave the pup all that she could have ever needed, there was still something that was bugging the poor pup. She was always deeply anxious to get outside the house and out in the streets for some unknown reason. Kathy soon realized that the dog did not just like the outside but actually wanted to return to the woods. But why would she?
The First Clues
So after acting weird and anxious for some time, Kathy finally understood that the dog actually wanted to go back to the woods where she was first discovered. So very quickly, Kathy took the Rottie with her and made their way to finding the first clue of a long mystery. She found so many strange stuff. There were broken glasses, a tail light and then Kathy suddenly realized something.
A Car Crash
All these clues were so strange and quite disturbing, making Kathy very puzzled. She wondered why the pup would lead her to this site. And then as she was collecting her thoughts, Kathy made a sudden realization that made sense of this whole thing. She had read in the news that two weeks before the day she discovered the pup, there had been a serious car crash somewhere there…
Connecting The Dots
After being led to the car crash site, Kathy was trying to make sense of all of the things that had taken place in the few days since discovering the dog. She had a feeling that it all was somehow connected and that the abandoned dog was also a apart of this puzzle. Had the dog been abandoned by other people or did she belong to the family that met with the accident?
Kathy Was Right
After her instincts told her that all of this was somehow interlinked, Kathy decided to do the most sensible thing she could think of. She decided to make a call to the police, and it turned out that the woman was right! The police confirmed that there was indeed a dog in the family that met with the car crash. Now it was again her mission to try and locate the family for the pup…