
The interview was quite long but one thing that did not fade away throughout was Billy’s smile. It was a delighting reality for Billy. He never imagined that someday he would get to see his familiar faces. He added,  “I never would have thought this. This is a total shock.”

Highly Grateful

Billy is so grateful to Sarah and Bill since they were the people who endorsed him.  He thanked  everyone by stating, “I want to thank all the people that helped me out I want them to see where all their efforts, blessing and kindness are going.”

Spreading Kindness

Sarah encouraged Billy’s generosity and stated, “Overall, it just makes me feel good,” She added, “a lot of people came together to change this person’s life when he is someone who really deserves that. He definitely seems like his spirit has been rejuvenated. He has the chance to express himself more, you know to buy a new car and buy new clothes.” Sarah’s husband Bill  added, “He’s just a solid guy, and you can tell he’s probably going to make it out alright.”

New Friends

Billy not only got his family back but also added two new friends. He acquired Bill Krejci as a brother and promised to remain in contact. It is definitely going to be a lifetime friendship. Adding to it, three of them decided to meet often and share a friendly family bond.

Bill And Billy

With time, Bill and Billy’s bond strengthened. They both shared a common interest that is sports and often go together for a basketball or a hockey match. Bill, in an interview with NBC, mentioned, “I knew immediately that he was someone that was on the same wavelength as me, and I was looking forward to being able to go chat with him once in a while.”

Significance Of The Ring

On being asked about the ring, Bill informed, “We talked about a lot of things related to my family’s ring and the many donations. We talked about one day in the future the ring may one day be passed down to my daughter.” The ring was a family heirloom hence held a great significance.