Beyond Expectations

The reaction that the page got was greater than what they both expected it to be. They aimed to help the guy to pay for a few meals or purchase some new clothes but he could now get more than that. “We set it up because a lot of people that were touched by this story expressed interest in helping Billy Ray. We set the goal for $1000 and were hoping to achieve maybe $4000 because that is what he was offered on the spot for the ring,” said Sarah.

So Loved

A contributor, all the way from England, wrote, “In life what goes around comes around Billy-your sweet actions, despite being dire straits yourself, prove that there is humility in the world. You are one shining example. Lots of love from across the pond.” Other people shared their harsh experiences, praising Billy for his morality.


When Bill and Sarah told Billy about the response people gave, he couldn’t believe what they were saying. Then, she said, “I like it, but I don’t think I deserve it.” He could not understand the generosity of people and added,  “what I actually feel like, what has the world come to when someone returns something that doesn’t belong to him, and all this happens?”

A Hero

This incident completely changed Billy’s life. In this regard, he states, “I still see some of the same people, but only now, instead of coming up and giving me change, they’re coming up, shaking my hand, and you know, saying ‘hey good job.’” The honesty and righteousness paid off.

New House And A Car

Billy was no longer homeless and had enough cash through charitable donations to purchase himself a car and even placed a down payment on his own house. Billy never thought it to be a jackpot hence was not being so materialistic. Little did he know that this was just an initiation of his luck!


Billy thought the house and car to be secondary and the greatest gift he received was the reunion with the family. 16 years was a big deal for him to stay away from his family. Billy’s family could able to track him only after he appeared on TV with a tale.