A Guy Named Billy

The name of the guy was Billy Ray Harris. He was destitute and a vagrant as well. The homeless man had no choice but to sleep in squalid conditions. On getting the ring, he was conflicted by the thoughts of selling it and t give it back. Billy discussed selling the ring and even went to see how much it was worth according to the local jeweler.


Billy went to a local jeweler to know the worth. After examining the ring, the jeweler was willing to give $4000 to Billy on the spot. Billy’s life would drastically experience an elevation if he takes up the cash. Billy realized that meant that he thought it was worth a lot more. He thought about taking the cash but in the end, Billy Ray decided to keep the ring.

Morality Exists!

While going back from the jeweler shop, Billy realized that the ring could be very essential to somebody, therefore, he decided to wait and see if somebody comes in search of it. The decision he made was moral and would turn the course of his life forever! He gave up on his needs and thought of the feelings that were attached to the ring, hence, he made the right decision to return it.


As Billy gave the ring back, Billy spoke of the temptation to sell the ring and said, “I just couldn’t do it. I’m not saying I’m an angel, but I’m not a devil either.” Sarah appreciated and was amazed by the kind words he uttered. He added, “I could tell exactly how much it meant to you as soon as I held it up.” After this statement, the only thing she said was, “it just makes you realize there are good people out there.”

Return The Favor

Sarah was deliriously happy to see the sincerity that Billy Ray possessed. She thought highly of him as he was so moral. Sarah Darling and her husband Bill realized that for his compassion they were required to repay. Sarah expressed, “it was just such a feeling of loss when it was gone, so I am so eternally grateful for him.”

To Bolster His Condition

Sarah couldn’t think how fortunate she was to lose it to such a kind and honest man. Sarah along with her husband decided to set-up a fundraiser for their hero in disguise. They set up a GoFundMe page and hoped to raise $1000 for his honesty as a donation to Billy Ray. To make other people aware of his kind act, they took his story to the internet.