Note To Be Noted
Yasmin found this note on her car’s windshield and she was really hurt by it. The note broke her heart and she posted it online and spoke her heart out. She wanted to convey to whoever wrote it, that not everybody is cruel in this world, some are just helpless and they have got no choice. We think, what Yasmin did was the right thing to do. If you want that the people should be considerate towards you, then the process starts with you.
Quick To Judge
The person who left the note on her windshield was in such a hurry that the stranger forgot to see the blue badge on her car. The blue badge was provided to Yasmin in case she was in an emergency and couldn’t find a parking and to ease that she was allowed to park in a spot made for disabled. She just couldn’t live with the fact that somebody was accusing her of something that she didn’t do intentionally. Only Yasmin knew how hard these few years have been for her. And she didn’t take the note lightly and did this.
Posting Online
Yasmin was furious and she wasn’t ready to let this person go away so easily. She was struggling in her life and some stranger just made fun it. This was something that no human being can take easily. Yasmin switched on her computer and wrote, “Whoever wrote this couldn’t write their name, couldn’t write their number and didn’t want to approach me in person.” This was just the beginning of the post.
Her Status
“I saw the note you left on my car and this is what I want to say back… Last night I went to the White Lion in Tenterden with my friend and parked my car outside Prezzo in the disabled space and, honestly, I didn’t think anything of it. I was angry and frustrated.” She wrote further in the post.
It wasn’t just the note that made her mad but she also has a problem with the strangers who without knowing about her condition have judged her whenever she has parked her car in the disabled spot.
Strangers Staring
She posted her experience online to aware people about Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. “You can tell people are staring when you get out of the car and stuff like that, but nobody had actually said anything before, let alone left a note. When I put my badge up I feel like I have to walk out of the car limping.”
Her motive to aware the people were working and her post had all the attention she demanded.
Bringing Awareness
Yasmin wanted to convey her story and tell people that not all disability is visible. Some just struggle from the inside. “I shouldn’t have to feel like that because there is an illness there, but it just doesn’t show. Just because I’m not in a wheelchair or have a visible ailment, it doesn’t mean I’m not entitled to use a disabled space.”