
It was not the first time that Ann had been to a thrift store. She was in the habit of visiting thrift stores and purchasing stuff from that place. And it was even better on the day of this event because it was Pensioner’s day, which meant she would get an extra discount on the items. But Ann did not know she would get something so rare, that would value to be more than anything.

Ann did not only buy stuff from the goodwill stores, but she also was in the practice of donating and therefore donated a lot of items to the goodwill stores. But she did not have the slightest of an idea that she would get something this time, after donating for so many years, and that thing would be preciously priceless and valuable.
Startling Discovery

Ann was busy scanning the stuff at the store, looking through anything and everything that was there, trying to find the things needful. Her husband was busy doing the same. It was then that she saw something, and shouted in astonishment, almost losing her senses. “My eyes just happened to glance to it,” said Ann, 78. “It didn’t really register. Things were whirling in my mind.”
As soon as the staff of the store heard the shriek of Ann, they ran towards her to check if she was alright. They got worried for her, and could not understand the reason behind Ann’s reaction. They could only see her gaze at the item that she had found and were confused as to what was so exciting for her.
Unpredicted Discoveries

It pleases a human so much when they find something they had not expected and is totally not thought of. You go out on a regular day for regular shopping and return home with something not imagined of, that was the kind of day Ann and Mike had, and the thrift store became the most special places for them.
Cherry On Top

For a bargain hunter like Jane, who was not just a contributor for the Goodwill stores, but also an active buyer, the Goodwill store proved out to be the luckiest place, where she found the most precious thing she could ever think of getting from any store, let alone the thrift stores.