How good does it feel when you go to buy a particular thing, and end up getting something extraordinary? How does it feel to have an altogether exciting day that you had never imagined of, like winning a treasure hunt, and taking the treasure home?
How will you treat a plot-twist in your life? And how would you contain the excitement of it? Can a single day of shopping bring so many changes in someone’s life?
Know it through the story of Julie Ann, who went on a hunt at a Goodwill store one fine day, and found an enticingly precious thing altogether that would add up the missing pieces of her family’s past, and complete it. An ordinary day turned out to be extraordinary within a split of a second for this family.
The Happiness Of Surprises

Surprises bring in happiness and excitement in everyone’s lives. They make a dull day bright. It is an entirely different feeling to get something you had not expected at all. It was no different for Julie Ann. She had never thought that she would have such a miraculous day in her life when she had only gone out with the intention of shopping with her husband, which would be nothing less than a wonder for her and her family.
Bargain Counter

Julie Ann Lisi went to a Goodwill store for thrift shopping with her husband Mike, in Jupiter, Florida. “We are retired, and it is something to do,” Ms. Lisi said. Would it not be wonderful to find the most precious thing in a Goodwill store? The feeling that even Julie was unaware of, who had gone to the thrift store only with the hope to get bargain deals.
Goodwill Stores

Thrift stores are always, and much cheaper than retail stores. You can find anything at these stores, from furniture to clothes, designer products, unique gifts and much more. The stores even make you inculcate the habit of spending wisely. To make it even better, a part of what you pay at Goodwill stores goes to charity.
The Couple

Julie Ann and Mike lived in Jupiter, Florida. When on a fine weekday they went shopping in a local thrift store, they found something that left them speechless. They had not thought of finding something like that even in their dreams. Never did such a thing even cross their minds and they had forgotten that a thing like that even existed.
Goodwill Spree

Ann had always been a wise spender, and she spent each penny only on things that were actually needed and would always try to find all of those things at a thrift store only. It was like a treasure hunt for the husband and wife that they participated in, whenever they went to the thrift store. But it was only this time, that they would be the literal winners of the competition and take home the treasure.

Ann and Mike had a loving family with their son, and they had shifted to Florida from Willoughby, Ohio, where they still spend a part of their year. And that is where the story will take us. A miracle awaited Ann, Mike and their son, which they all were unaware of.