New Collection
As the season approached she got engrossed in making her new collection keeping that particular muumuu aside. She worked day and night to accomplish her task and to prepare for the new season’s collection. Though she was passionate about her job, she always felt like she was appearing for her mid-term exam and was nervous.
Her creation was always adored and bought lavishly, but this time it had crossed the record of previous sales and her profit was enormous. When she saw that she jumped with joy and rejoiced her victory with her family. She invited her mother for the celebration at dinner that night and thought of showing her the same muumuu.
The Dinner
So everyone gathered at her place at the destined time to celebrate her triumph. All raised the toast and congratulated her on her victory. The night went well with everyone rejoicing the pudding at the end. When she finished her daily chores she remembered about the muumuu that she had forgotten in the hustle-bustle.
She rushed to her closet and picked out the muumuu which got buried under her clothes. She gradually started to examine by turning the cloth up and down. While she was doing so she stumbled upon the tag that was attached to the cloth. The tag was of Liberty House but then she saw something written on the tag that blew her mind. What was so surprising?
Scribbled Name
Along with the tag of Liberty house, there was a name scribbled on it. She tried to read it but it was hard for her to make out the name in the first place. It had faded with the passage of time still she tried her level best at it. She started to read the name word by word and tried to make sense in her head.
As she read the whole word aloud she was surprised to find that the name scribbled on it was ‘Kamei’ , which was the last name of her great-grandmother. Her mind started to wonder in all possible directions to get an answer to the questions that were coming into her head. Did she buy her great-grandmother’s muumuu?