And so since her husband’s work was demanding more and more time, Jonna was feeling unhappier as each day went by. And by the time 2015 came, she was not pleased with the little time David had for her.So after a very tiring day, Jonna poured out her feelings on her blog, “I’m married to a hard-working man and I would be lying if I said that it didn’t take a toll on me.”
His Priorities
Jonna was not happy with how her husband’s priorities were not set on his family, her and their daughter. She opened up in her blog explaining that, “Sometimes he will come home after a long day at work and I’ll be waiting for him to walk in the door, so I can yell ‘you promised me you would be home at five!’ As if he would rather be working than spending time with me and our daughter.”
“Nagging Wife”
Jonna was not holding back on how disappointed she was with her husband’s time management. She wrote some more on her blog, “I’m putting him in a lose-lose situation. He literally can’t win. If he doesn’t work late, we won’t get the new furniture set that I have to have. If he does work later, he comes home to a nagging wife who is desperate for his attention.”
A Dose Of Reality
The poor wife was just expressing how she felt a little neglected in their marriage, that she just wanted some time with David also. She went on writing, “I am so selfish in our marriage and I know that. But, every once in a while, I’ll have my little ‘A-ha’ moment that gives me a sense of understanding.” But Jonna would soon get a sense of what was really going on with her husband.
Late Once Again
And so on a Wednesday, David was once again late and so he did not come home by the time he claimed he would back. And so Jonna kept the dinner for him in the fridge and closed the fridge door forcefully as she was angry. She was done with his unreliable timings. Then the dryer alarm rang which meant she had to go and fold the warm clothes. It was quite therapeutic for her.
In Retrospect
And then as she finished folding, Jonna’s mind was racing as to why all this was happening to her. She could not understand why her husband was not putting an effort to spend time with her. She thought to herself “Why does he not want to spend time with me?” And then her eyes caught something on David’s clothes. She was left astonished by the truth of it all.