
Having lived in this town his whole life, Ben was still amazed every time he would glance out the car window. Tulsa was that kind of a city, that has the capability of leaving you mesmerized even if you have been here your whole life. It was a city made up of wide streets and small spaces to sit and relax as people went about their day.

The tall skyscrapers took up the places where once old houses used to be. The rest of the town was parks and wild spaces, for people to stroll or ride their bikes. Ben loved the river that flowed in the heart of the city. He would always pause on the bridge to look at the view before crossing it. It was Ben’s home and he cherished every part of this place.
The Parking Lot

Nikki pulled up in the parking lot of the shopping center. It was packed with cars and finding a spot to park seemed impossible. After driving around the block twice, Nikki finally managed to find a spot in the last row. But this meant it was quite a walk from the car to the complex.
The Shopping Center

If the parking lot was packed with cars, then it was obvious the complex will be crowded with their owners. Ben let out a sigh. His mom was quite a shopper and from the looks of the sparkle in her eyes, he knew he was in for a long day.
Long Day

An hour and a half later, both of Ben’s arms were grasping onto multiple shopping bags, as his mother came out of yet another store. Amongst the hustle and bustle of buying things they didn’t need, Ben reminded his mother what they came looking for in the first place, his shoes. Nikki’s sheepish smile proved that she had forgotten about it.
Finding The Shoes

Finally, Ben and Nikki went inside a footwear store and found him a fresh pair of shoes for school. Ben realized that didn’t even take half as long as how much time they have spent at the shopping complex already. But given his mother’s love for shopping, this was bound to happen.