The authority at the Greater Clark County Schools decided to try and reunite the purse with its rightful owner. They took the matter to facebook, in the hopes to find Marty if she was still alive. And turns of events unfolded.
Social Media
In February of 2019, the school administration posted a photograph of the purse on the school’s facebook page and wrote down an appeal to the readers of their post to help them track down the rightful owner of the purse.
The Post
The Facebook post read, “Lost and Found Alert: Martha Ina Ingham’s handbag from 1954 has been found in the Franklin Square demolition. We would love to return it to her or her family! Please contact Erin Bojorquez, Public Information Officer.”
Just within a few days, the Facebook post had attracted hundreds of comments and thousands of likes. And the best part was, a relative of Marty saw the post and shared it with Marty’s son. A huge turn of events was to follow now.
Meet Marty
Marty’s son made her mom aware of the amazing discovery. An update, which was posted on February 9 by Greater Clark County school, read, “Martha Ina Ingham has been found! Thank you to everyone who shared our original post. We will provide an update soon!” And this update brought tears in a lot of eyes!
Prom Date
Now that Marty had been found, the biggest question that remained was that who did she finally go to the prom with? Was it Paul, the boy mentioned in the letter, or was it Torchy, the gentleman who had written the letter with so much hope?