Jacquie Chmilar
Jacquie lives in Fort McMurray, Alberta but that was not from where she had tossed the letter and the bottle in the ocean. Jacquie is the youngest of her siblings, and has two elder brothers and loving parents as her family.
Water Lover
Jacquie has always been a water lover. She loved the vastness of the oceans and the never-ending seas. Being around oceans has been her favorite thing, because the water seems to be as magical as nature can ever be, with the glitters and sparkles of the rays of the sun upon it. So, Jacquie had always expected magic from the water.
Tossing In The Bottle
Jacquie had been on a visit to her grandparents house in Newfoundland, Canada during her vacations. It was only then that she wanted to do something exciting and went to her grandfather, whom she adored dearly. She was unaware what level of popularity she was going to gain very soon.
When Jacquie went to her grandfather to discuss doing something exceptional and uncommon, he came with the idea of writing a message on a piece of paper and folding it into a bottle, dashing it into the Atlantic Ocean. Her grandfather had heard and read a lot about people finding messages in Newfoundland so he thought of giving it a try.
Jacquie had tossed in the letter very casually and had not expected that someone would find the letter, although somewhere deep inside she had little hopes, but she never thought that it would all happen so soon and her letter would travel 3,440 km to be found in Cornwall.
A Reply
After going through the letter again and again in astonishment, Nick and Noah decided to reply to the letter and reach out to Jacquie. She had jotted down her parent’s contact details and Nick reached out to them via e-mail to tell them that his son had found the letter.