Ransom Money Offered
Now, more than a week had passed since anyone last saw Sherri. The Papini family were ready to do anything in order to get a clue which would help them find Sherri or even a glimpse of her. It was because of this that they decided to offer a sum of $50,000 to anyone who would provide them with any sort of information regarding Sherri. In order to pay for the expenses that they incurred while they searched for her, the family started a GoFundMe account. You would be surprised to know that the site was able to raise an amount of $50,000 aiding in the investigation. But, were these measures capable of making Sherri meet with her children again?
Helping Out A Friend
Apart from the families and relatives, close friends of Sherri and Keith displayed true devotion towards finding her. A family friend, Angela Bond resorted to taking the help of social media in order to gain any insight into the whereabouts of her friend. She did this by putting up a post on it. Initially, the family had no plans of dragging the children into the whole incident which had now become a matter of media attention all over the nation. But, after realizing that spreading the word and bringing the children into the picture would help speed up the process of bringing Sherri back they decided to go ahead with it.
Thanksgiving Day
A miracle happened after 22 painful days for the Family since Sherri’s disappearance. Keith received a phone call from an unknown number on Thanksgiving Day. He received a call from the same number on his home line too. On being asked about the call Keith said,“It was my wife screaming in the background, yelling my name, and a CHP (California High Patrol) officer that seemed somewhat confused at the moment, like, ‘What is going on?’… [the officer] said, ‘I need you to be calm. I need you to be calm’… I already know it’s her. I can tell her voice.” What happened next was unbelievable?
Found Alive And Safe!
Alison Sutton, who rescued Sherri from the roadside on Interstate 5 North in California at 4:30 a.m. told the media, “I saw a woman frantically waving what looked like a shirt up and down, trying to flag somebody down. I was startled to see her. It was dark and she pretty much just came out of nowhere. If I had swerved to the right at least a little bit, I would have hit her with my car. She had, like, a wide-eyed, panicked kind of look. I figured if she was willing to risk being hit by a car trying to get somebody’s attention that she must really need some help.” Sutton said to the New York Daily News that Papini “didn’t look like she was hurt, but she did look scared.” Where had Sherri been for the past 22 days?
Reunited At The Hospital
After reuniting with his wife Keith recalled that he saw Sherri’s body covered with bruises. Some were new and some were old. She had gone through a tremendous weight loss, dropping from 100 pounds to 87, which means she lost 15% of her body weight. Obviously, this made her look emaciated. A blue-eyed gorgeous woman now had been chopped off to the shoulder. Apart from all this she also had a broken nose.
Sherri’s Story
Sherri narrated her terrifying story in front of the authorities. She said that on 2nd November, 2 Hispanic women kidnapped her from the road that she usually jogged on. She added by describing that the women possessed guns and dragged her into a dark colored SUV. After her capture, she used to be beaten, starved with her long hair being cut. They also “branded” her. Well, the narrations of her and Keith were similar with the latter describing her wife’s state when he saw her at the hospital.