Government Meetings
There are some very extreme people that live on this earth. Some turn out to be the leaders of countries that end up doing what some consider ridiculous. We don’t know about you guys but this next event that took place underwater is downright absurd in the most amazing manner. President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives wanted to create some attention and he sure made an impact. He called for an underwater cabinet meeting to discuss climate change and its effect under the ocean.
It seems as though nothing is completely undiscoverable when it comes to finding stuff under the sea. Take for instance this very strange object found back in the year 1985. Who would have ever thought that steam locomotives from the 1850s would get uncovered? This was found at the bottom of the ocean. There is no one who can clarify the reasons for the locomotive to end up there, but one thing for sure is that it is truly weird.
A Monument
Well, we all know that the deep ocean had swallowed up a lot of things in history. One of the most impressive things that an archaeologist could ever discover would have to be this next one on our list. Imagine working as an archeologist, diving under the deep trenches of the sea to discover something as majestic as the Yonaguni Monument. This gigantic monument was actually discovered on the ocean floor off the coast of Japan. It has been claimed to be about 5000 years old.
This next discovery is definitely something that would make you scratch your head. Anyone who had ever heard or read about this would be tilting their head at the screen questioning if it is actually for real or not. There was a discovery made where underwater rivers had been found. Yes, you read that right, there are actually strange currents that form when salt water and fresh water mix together. Such a weird finding right? You would almost think this was made up.
An Apollo 11 Relic
In the past, there had been a lot of things that were left under the sea. Humans have left a lot of historically important things under water. It would not be wrong to say that the if all the things that lie under the sea could be uncovered, the human race would be tremendously informed about this place we live in called the earth. An Apollo 11 engine had been found in the Atlantic Ocean after Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos financed a team to go and look for it underwater.
World War II Silver
There are a lot more shocking and unexpected discoveries that have been made under the ocean. Take for instance this World War II-era silver. This was actually discovered by researchers that were just wandering about and doing some exploring off the coast of Ireland. They managed to find about 61 tons of precious metal that were kept inside the ruins of a British cargo ship.