Remembering Her Lesson
Brittney was blessed to have a responsible brother who prepared her for situations like this one. He told her to not talk to any stranger and what to do if a stranger tries to get a hold of her. Although he never thought this training would be of any help that day was the moment it was all going to be clear.
Kicking And Screaming
Brittney’s brother taught her to hit the person on the weak spot such as eyes. She was explained that if anyone tries to take her away, she should scream and kick. He also told her that once she is out of the stranger’s grip she should run to someone she trusts. But was Brittney able to follow her brother’s lessons?
Giving Him Hell
Fortunately, Brittney remembered her brother’s lesson and she immediately put them into good use. Woods was holding her tight and was quickly reaching for the exit door when Brittney started to kick him and shouted as loud as she could. Woods didn’t see this coming as he thought she would be an easy target.
Failing Plan
Woods’ car was right outside the exit door but Brittney made it hard for him to reach till there. People were looking at the pair and Woods did try to pretend to be her father but that idea could not work. Brittney was fighting for her life and she wasn’t going to give up.
The Drop
Woods couldn’t believe the little girl could grab so much attention of all the people in the area. As a result of her efforts, it became impossible to keep a hold on her and finally, Woods had to drop her down. The girl ran towards the nearest aisle, and he tried to follow her but he also noticed everyone looking at him.
On the Run
As soon as Woods dropped Brittney, she ran. At first, she could hear the man shouting but when she turned back, there was no one, just a bunch of people staring at the door from where Woods got out. But Brittney didn’t stop there, she ran straight to her mom’s direction, crying. Georgeann was stunned to see tears rolling down her cheeks, Brittney wasn’t a cry baby. The mother had no idea about what just happened.