Stubborn Girl
Well, after a lot of fun it was finally time for some grocery shopping. As expected, Brittney was in no mood to help her mom in grocery shopping, there were so many new cards and she wanted to read all of them. Georgeann knew well what was coming next but she waited for her daughter to express herself.
Puppy Face
Like always, Brittney made her cute puppy face and asked her mom if she could stay in the cards section as the food aisle was just a few rows away. She also promised that she won’t go anywhere else by the time her mom returns. So, did Georgeann leave her daughter alone?
Small Town
It was valid on Brittney’s part to make this request as no kid wants to shop groceries when there are so many interesting things around. Finally, Georgeann gave in to her daughter’s wishes and said she’ll be right back. They were a small family of three so there wasn’t much on the list to buy anyway. Only if the mother could’ve foreseen the danger, she wouldn’t have ever left Brittney alone.
Brittney admired her mom whenever she gave her some time of her own. Even if it was for a while, Brittney loved to take the charge and act like an adult. Although Georgeann stated clearly that she’ll be checking on her every few minutes, Brittney could feel the sense of freedom. All she needed to take care of was that she stays in the card section only for her mother to be able to find her easily.
Nothing New
Brittney swore she won’t go anywhere else. As Georgeann walked towards the food aisle, she turned around, she saw her daughter picking up another card and felt blessed that both of her kids understood the importance of small things that can become a reason for great happiness.
Checking The List
Georgeann kept on cutting items off her list as she picked them from the aisle. Like always, she was expecting Brittney would come running to her as soon as she reaches the candy section. So, she was finishing up all the other items for she wanted the candy section to be their last stop before heading to the bill counter.