After The Ceremony

It was after the ceremony this group of policemen decided to eat something and ended up in the restaurant where Jessica worked as a waitress. It was then everything started. Their silence and Jessica’s intuition about something being wrong led her to discover the story of the fallen hero Officer Steve Smith. She knew what she had to do and everyone was left amazed by her action.

She Felt It Right

There were nine cops together sitting in the Red Robin restaurant. Jessica inquired about the situation she was feeling off about and one of the cops said, “you know, it’s always a rough day when you gotta put a brother in the ground,” Jessica told WCMH Columbus. “Right after that, I was like, ‘I gotta do something right,” she added.

Her Decision

After hearing the story of Officer Smith, her heart was crying for him as well. She wanted to make them feel a little better. So, she came up with a brilliant idea. She went up to the manager and told him about her plan. The manager was more than happy and was ready to help in any way he can.

The Lunch Was Over

The Cops were almost done and one of them asked for the check. Jessica brought the check and instead of giving them the $123 bill in their hand she placed it on the table face down. One of the cops picked it up and was surprised to see the bill was of $0 and on the back, there was a note for the group.

The Note

“Officers, your bill is on me today. I can’t imagine the day you all have had, let alone what you go through every day. I hope your days get better. So much respect. #WeSeeYou #PoliceLivesMatter #RIPOfficerSmith.”

Fallen Hero

Officer Steve Smith died on the line of duty. He worked for 27 years in the Columbus Divison of Police. He left behind his loving wife and two children Brittany and Jesse. Though the family was left in shatters after the news, they were proud of Steve. He lived as a hero and died like one.