As usual, it was a normal day for everybody. People were trying to reach their daily destination as an office or a college or anywhere important they wanted to be. There was a weird feeling inside her that stopped her from getting out of the bed, but she somehow she gathered her inner strength, threw her legs out of the bed, and stood straight walked towards the washroom. Even while she was brushing her teeth she was getting those weird vibes, the same vibes we aren’t able to tell what they really mean when they happen. Still, she got ready and was on her way to work. Looking at her wristwatch which was literally asking her to pace up. She was running late, but does that even matter? It wasn’t her but that weird feeling that made her question this. There is a reason why you should always trust your guts because they never lie.
The Workplace
Jessica Dunbar worked in a restaurant as a waitress. The restaurant wasn’t far from the place she lived so she always preferred walking. That day she reached the restaurant a little late. She wasn’t feeling right but she knew that if she stayed at home, her mind would have played games and the feeling would have grown stronger. So, rather than staying back at home she decided to go to work to keep her mind busy. She thought that this feeling would go away but that didn’t happen as something was about to happen at the restaurant that day, She should have stayed at home.
A Good Waitress
Jessica reached the Red Robin restaurant which was located in Polaris Fashion Place mall in Columbus, Ohio. Though she was late, her manager didn’t say anything to her as the manager knew what a good and hardworking waitress she was. She did her job with all the honesty. Unable to shake off the feeling she started working as soon as possible. But why was she feeling like that? There are times when we get these feelings where we think something is about to happen to us even when there is no wrong in sight. Our mind plays games differently, so was hers.
Daughter Of A Policeman
Jessica’s father was a cop, now retired. With all her heart she loved her father and she knew the feeling of her dad going for work with no surety of coming back home. She was missing her father that day. Though it wasn’t anything out of the blue, just a daughter missing her father but that day it was a very sudden feeling. Firstly, she was going through a weird array of emotions which she had no idea about and secondly, out of the blue she was thinking about her father. Things made her really scared. Who could blame her? We all have gone through with these kinds of emotions in our lives, right? In the end, everything started to make sense to her.
Usual Day At The Restaurant
The restaurant was working at its usual pace. People came, ate, and went and this happened in a loop like the rest of the days. The regulars of the restaurant knew Jessica very well. They could see that Jessica was a little off that day. Something was bothering her. Her lost expression was visible all over her face. But then she tried to remain focused and didn’t want to upset the customers due to her indulgence.
Entry Of The Cops
She was returning the food trays on the counter when the restaurant door opened. She looked back to see who it was, completely stunned to see a group of officers in the restaurant. You must be thinking why was she surprised as police officers coming in and eating is pretty much normal, right? We couldn’t agree more, but there was something off about the group. She didn’t realize but that weird feeling from the morning was much stronger now.
A Confusing Scenario
The group of police officers came into the Red Robin at Polaris Fashion Place mall in Columbus, Ohio. Seeing those officers gave her a sense of unusual feeling in her body. She could tell that something was wrong with the group. She was shooting the arrow in the dark, but even in the dark, her aim was perfect. Indeed, something was wrong. But what? She would find out soon.