Found Courage In Love
“Believe it or not I am happier than ever. Love truly is the best drug and I have been totally smothered in it,” Emmy used to tell her family. She was informed that if her cancer was diagnosed before, she could have made a complete recovery from it but now it was incurable and Emmy and her family and Jake were dealing with the fact. Emmy and Jake decided to make a trip, a special trip for a special cause!
Cycling Trip Across Europe
Even though the couple had the hardest time going on they never lost hopes and started moving ahead, faster than before. Emmy and Jake were ready for an adventure of the lifetime and Emmy was setting an example. Instead of being bedridden and feeling lethargic she was up for a cycling journey of 2000 km (1,242 miles) across Europe, from London to Copenhagen for a heart-melting cause, we wonder what it would be?
Huge Support
Emmy posted on her blog, “Never ever could we have imagined so many of you sensational people would be there to send us off. I had no words at the time (partly because I was so nervous and excited that my mouth dried out and my lips stuck to my teeth!…smooth as always) and I am struggling for the right words now.” The couple indeed had a great cause behind their journey.
For A Cause
Emmy was getting her treatment in Royal Marsden Hospital and she couldn’t be more thankful to the hospital staff that saved many lives from cancer and so the couple decided to raise funds for the Royal Marsden Hospital to help other cancer-ridden patients and successfully raised more than £140,000 (over $195,000). “It was the most phenomenally overwhelming experience…the BEST day of both of our lives,” wrote on her blog when the biggest disappointment was buried in her heart.
Grief Of A Mother
What struck Emmy the most was the truth that due to her cancer she won’t be able to conceive ever, for a girl who dreamt of being a mother one day for her whole life this was the biggest shock. However, Jake’s next move not only made the pain tolerable for her but gave her a reason to look forward with more excitement.
True Love’s Bliss
Jake decided he won’t wait anymore to ask Emmy to marry him and so he did propose her while having a sip of tea on the bed though it wasn’t similar to Jake’s previous plan to visit a beautiful destination. They loved each other and that’s what made the moment special. Emmy’s life completely changed with Jake’s question, she was thrilled with the idea of marrying her childhood crush and the day was about to fill her remaining life with joy.