Trying To Tell Something
It was no less than a miracle. Even doctors were surprised at the sight of Laura moving her fingers. Her parents breathed a sigh of relief. She was trying to pinpoint at her parents but was so weak that she couldn’t even pull her hand. Soon she went off to sleep. Lisa, who was Laura’s sister found this site very abrupt. She thought that she was trying to convey something but what?
She Mumbled
In the days that followed, her family took intense care of her. For any parent, they want to see their child recover fast and same was the case with Don and Susie. As time flew, Laura began recovering, but she still couldn’t speak up properly. Every now and then she would mumble something and everyone kept wondering, what was she trying to tell them.
The Perplexing Words
One day again Laura mumbled. And this time Lisa was curious. She was on her foot and carefully placed her ears in front of Laura’s lips to make sure that she gets to hear what Laura wanted to say. What Lisa heard shocked her to the extreme. The world came shattering to her.
False Parents
Laura mumbled, “Parents, False Parents”. Lisa could not believe what she heard. What did Laura mean by that? She immediately backed off and rushed to her parents to tell what Laura just whispered. Her parents too were broken and confused hearing the news.
Don and Susie ask the doctors for their guidance. Luckily the doctors said that as Laura had faced a major accident and she just overcame coma, her mind is still in trauma and due to medicines she must be feeling dizzy and uttering words. However, her parents still were sure that something was wrong. And with Laura’s classmate visit to the hospital, things changed completely.
Is She Laura?

Another day, Laura’s classmate came to the hospital to see her friend. But she was surprised to see that Laura was smiling a little that too in a different manner. This was not all, she even realized that her teeth looked a little different. Though her injuries did not harm her jawlines then why were they looking so different?