Although World War II was just a matter of a few years, sadly, its aftermath is a matter of centuries.  Thousands of civilians left their homeland and took refuge in different countries. People left everything they had, their jobs, lands, homes, and the worse; their loved ones. Countries can sign up peace treaties all they want but what’s done can never be undone.

Most of the survivors of the war were the only ones left of their families. Entire villages have vanished in the blink of an eye. The lifetime of anyone and everyone who was somehow connected to the war lived in two entirely opposite eras.

This is one such story about those victims of the war who lost everyone without even knowing they ever had them.

Agitated Teen

George Skrzynecky, a 17-year-old teen was thinking of a plan to find a way out of his parents’ house. He didn’t like them, but his parents thought it was just the effect of the hormones. In reality, he never felt that it was his home, and he blamed his parents’ dominating behavior for it. However, he had this strong feeling of frustration from a long-forgotten childhood memory.

The Old Attic

George was looking for all the alternatives to leave Poland as it will give him the opportunity to start a separate life far from his controlling parents. In 1965, while searching for his old belongings, the 17-year-old George found a mysterious envelope in the storeroom. So far, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to leave his homeland but this letter was going to change everything for him.

The Life-Changing Note

The envelope seemed quite old and was mailed when he lived on a different address with his family. There was a long letter inside the envelope and to his surprise, it was addressed to him. Who could’ve sent him a letter back then? And if anyone did send one, why didn’t his parents ever tell him about it?

Confused Questions

George was confused as well as curious about the letter. As he started reading this letter, tears started to roll down his cheeks as all his questions were being answered. He couldn’t stand anymore and collapsed on the floor yet he just couldn’t get his eyes off the letter. He went on reading it and then he reread it. 

Unsettling TruthSource: YouTube/BBC News

The letter contained the unsettling truth about his past. And all that had been kept a secret from the young guy. He knew he couldn’t stay with his parents after reading the letter. He went straight to his room and packed his stuff for he couldn’t live there anymore. He walked up to his parents and showed them the letter.

Walking Out

No matter how hard George’s parents tried to explain to the young teen, he wasn’t going to keep calm after the sudden revelation. He didn’t ask them any further questions and just left the home. What was in the letter? And whom was this letter from?