How Many More?

She had already rescued two kittens and had her hands on the third. She was wondering how many more were there. Her heart was beating fast. She wanted to know if every one of them was safe and alive. She would do anything to make sure that each of them is rescued while she struggled to pull out the third kitten from behind the wall.
Black And White
When the third kitten was brought out, the lady looked at it and it was black and white. The most beautiful of the lot. The mother was now really happy that she decided to follow the sound and rescue the kittens. She placed the kitten in the tub and then went on to find out if there were more.

The lady was utterly surprised to know that these kittens were living inside her wall and how did they come here. She was also surprised to know how these little ones survived without their mother for these many days. She was also thinking about how many more were stuck in the narrow walls.
Another One

She stuck her arms inside the hole to find if any more kittens were there. And yes, there were. She held the fourth kitten and softly pulled it out of the hole and put it in the tub. Aunt Dotty was now there and she was surprised to see the state of the living room with all the kittens playing in the tub.
All Safe And Alive

They now had four healthy little kittens in their drawing-room. The happiest note was that all of them were alive and looked healthy. They must have been hungry though and the lady of the house turned to the kitchen to go and get them something to drink. These little kittens must be missing their mommy and they hoped she would turn up looking for them.
Aunt Dotty

“Oh, you’re scrawny,” exclaimed Aunt Dotty. “Oh! So lightweight,” she said. Come on kitty, kitty, kitty.” She seemed to be the happiest to see the kittens. She was busy playing with them and patting them softly. The kittens seemed to enjoy the company of Aunt Dotty as they were as playful as she was.