We are scared of having any major diseases. It is natural to be scared. But due to this fear, we do not take potentially dangerous symptoms seriously. A headache, a stomach ache, we let them pass, considering to be temporary, sometimes treating them ourselves without consulting a doctor. In most cases, it is what it is, a minor headache but sometimes it can be a symptom of something major, some other disease.
Another sensation that we sometimes take for granted is the tingling in the chest. But should we? It can have perilous consequences.
The Tickle
The fluttering sensation or the feeling of pressure in the chest is what we call “a tickle in the chest” in layman’s term. There could be multiple causes for the symptom and some are even minor. Cold or allergies, do go away on their own but sometimes, this feeling is a sign of augmentation of something more serious.
The Causes
Often the feeling of a tickle in the chest is not a reason for grave concern. Most conditions that it is a symptom of, do not present any significant health risks. Cold and fever can cause an unsettling feeling in the chest and/or the throat. It requires little attention. However, to make sure it’s just cold and nothing else, other symptoms should also be kept in mind.
Other Symptoms Of Cold
Coughing, sneezing, a runny or blocked nose, headaches, fatigue, muscle ache, high heart rate due to rise in body temperature, and a sore throat are all the other symptoms of a common cold. With most people, it is seasonal and goes away with the intake of mild medication.
Other Symptoms Of Hay Fever
The symptoms of hay fever are similar to that of cold because cold is usually accompanied by the fever. In addition to those, there could be itchiness in the throat, nose or mouth and even the eyes can get red and itchy. In some cases, however, a tickle in the chest poses a serious threat to health.
According to Medicine Net, Acute bronchitis is the “inflammation of the breathing tubes within the lungs (bronchial tubes or bronchi) as a result of an infection (viral or bacterial) or a chemical irritant (such as smoke or gastric acid reflux)”. When common cold persists more than a couple of weeks, it can develop into Bronchitis.
Bronchitis Tickle
There is the production of a large amount of mucus in this condition, the consequence of which is the tickle in the chest. The body tries to get rid of it by excessive coughing. Bronchitis is a serious condition that is contagious and needs medical attention.