Life is unpredictable. We are all well aware that even if today all goes well, tomorrow might bring something completely different. The uncertainty of life is what makes it traumatizing but at the same time, wonderful.

For this Australian mother, her life was pleasant. She was expecting her third child with her loving husband. On Christmas Eve, her life was about to be turned around as she received the worst information she could ever get.
Having Another Baby

The life of Nicole and her husband was going pretty smooth. With their two kids, five-year-old Aaylah and budding teenager Alkere, the family was very close. Mommy Nicole was expecting and pregnant with a baby they all agreed to name Alavis.
Sick For A Month

In 2015, Nicole was experiencing some problems regarding her health, feeling a little unwell. She was usually an outgoing person, full of energy but had recently been losing weight feeling a little down. She was also showing symptoms that were worth worrying and she began contracting some intense abdominal pain…
Suspicious Symptoms

It felt quite redundant for her to be losing weight as she was a naturally slender woman. Moreover, Nicole was also feeling bloated, constipated, facing abdominal pain, and even began to notice some blood in her stool. After carefully looking into all these symptoms she was experiencing herself, Nicole made a decision to visit a doctor for professional advice.

She went to see her gastroenterologist to find out what was going on. When results from her investigation came out, they realized she had an irritable bowel syndrome, a worrying and often painful intestinal disorder, which however was treatable. She then underwent multiple therapies to tackle her illness.
Other Diagnoses

32-year-old Nicole Yarran carefully listened and believed all the words her doctors were feeding her. She even managed to get another doctor at the GI practice to weigh in. She was convinced that Nicole was affected by celiac, a gluten allergy. Even after all of this, her doctors did not make of use of any scopes, ultrasounds or other procedures to find her cause.