It was an unusual discovery made by Brian’s wife Colleen. It happened when she was uprooting some of the vegetables out of the garden to have for dinner. Unaware of the coming incident, she kept on harvesting the vegetables. After a while, she moved to the row of carrots and what she found there was extremely baffling. She had never seen anything like this ever in her life.
Something So Weird
Due to ring’s weird appearance, it took Colleen some time to realize its worth. Something was stuck around the carrot that had heavily influenced the shape of it that made carrot looked like malformed one. So after plucking this carrot out, Colleen thought of feeding it to the dog. But luckily, she chose to do against it and placed the quirky carrot in the pail. She brought the carrots home and till then also she had no idea what was she holding. Soon she was going to realize what it was and her reaction well, that was something you really need to know about.
Found Out!
Carrying all the vegetables she went to the kitchen and started washing them. Finally came the turn of that weird looking carrot. While washing it she saw something very shiny wrapped around it. Just to confirm she looked closer and in no time she realized what it actually was. She immediately told her husband about her discovery that reminded Brian of something from his past. Brian reminisces “All of a sudden there was this sparkling thing around it and about two inches down it had cut into the carrot.” He immediately picked the phone and dialed his mother’s number! It was her long lost ring that came up in the most unbelievable form. You just won’t believe how this ring looks like now. Dailey explains “If you look at it, it grew perfectly around the carrot. It was pretty weird looking.”
One Carrot Diamond
Have you seen something like this before? Isn’t it amazing! Dailey explained, “I knew it had to belong to either grandma or my mother-in-law because no other women have lived on that farm.” It was confirmed that the just found ring was Mary’s lost engagement souvenir. Now the only thing left was to give it back to her. On the very next day when her granddaughter brought her the carrot tightly clad with her ring, she could not believe her eyes. She said, “A sort of happy feeling went through [me] and I said, ‘It can’t be possible — yet here it is!” How much had she tried at that time to find it but it came out now after more than a decade when she had lost all the hopes of finding it. Mary recalls the emotional moment “I recognised it right away, they found it yesterday when my daughter-in-law was digging carrots for supper.”
Taking The Ring
In the same week, Mary in her house in Camrose, Alberta, gently cut the carrot into two pieces and took her ring out. The moment was witnessed by all members of her family. After retrieving the ring she washed it. It was still like a dream for her she explained: “It just doesn’t seem real yet.” Visibly, ecstasy was running through her body. The most amazing part is yet to be said. Find that out on the next slide.
Still Fits
Even after thirteen years of miring into the soil and then surrounding a carrot, the ring still fits perfectly into her finger. In fact, she did not have to struggle a bit to get it inside her finger. As they say, if something really belongs to you it will surely come back to you regardless of the time. Mary opens up “I thought I would have to go to the jeweler today, but it still fits.” That was the most amazing day of her life.