Dogs can be the light of someone’s life. These goofy animals are perfectly capable of lifting up your mood and messing up your homes. They can be your guards and best friends at the same time. Sometimes they are just the company you need when you are low or want to confide in someone, they listen attentively to your secrets and do not even betray your trust by ratting them out! A friend who is there if you want to hang out, have a fun time, talk to someone or just snuggle up in bed. We all need to get ourselves these ideal companions to have a healthier and happier life.This is what this young woman kept in mind when she planned to get a dog to be her partner in crime. She is a believer in ‘don’t buy, adopt’ and that is what she lived by. But the thing about adopting is that you can never be sure what or how the pet turns out to be and that is exactly what happened in this case.

In this case, the girl we are going to start talking about is not the topic or center of attraction but what happened with her when she took, what was supposed to be just a small decision. Yumna Saloojee is from South Africa and lives in Johannesburg. She loves animals and some two years ago she decided she wanted to make a little addition to her home. She decided to get a dog. She knew she wanted a breed that would grow a little bigger like a german shepherd does and not like a chihuahua. She could not have known how her decision would turn out to be.

Which Dog To Get

Breeds like Shih Tzu, Pugs, Chihuahua and Poodles come in the small dog breed. They do not grow too big and are really friendly. Most dogs are. But there are some hyper dog breeds too and it can be really a handful to manage and take care of them. They can wreck your house, tear out all your soft toys and really claim more bed for their sleep and roll you down. But their cuteness and loyalty makes up for everything, does it not? Fluffy grown dogs are the best cuddle partners for sure. Anyhow, Yumna had decided that she wanted a dog who would grow a little bigger in size.

The purpose of adopting a pet was simple. It is a fact that it costs a lot of money to buy dogs of a specific breed. What Yumna Saloojee wanted to do was welcome a furry companion in her home and provide him with a shelter and loving family. Keeping this in mind, she went to the animal shelter and within minutes made up her mind as to who she wanted to adopt. She could not have known how it would all turn out.

Not a few minutes into the shelter, Yumna stumbled upon her would be best friend and surprise package. She took this pup up in her arms and it was just what she wanted. It was an Alaskan Malamute who kept staring at her with his puppy eyes and Yumna knew in that very moment that she was enchanted and that little guy was going to be ‘the one’ for her. Her life was obviously going to change but in ways she could not have expected.

One And Only

This was going to be her first pet and therefore this was special. Her wish of having a new friend came true. This cute little Alaskan malamute had her under his spell and her heart simply melted after looking at him. She said in an interview, “I fell in love the second I held him.” Well, we do not really blame her. Just look at the little guy! But she had no clue what she had gotten herself into and what this Malamute would grow up to be. Yumna had met this little bundle of joy when he was just 2 weeks old. She had to wait some more weeks in order to bring him home. During that time she stuffed her house with toys this new member would later play with. He finally came to his new home and was friendly in the beginning. Yumna knew that the Malamute grows a little bigger as he grew older, she was not looking for a small dog breed anyway. But THIS would happen, she cannot have known. This is one of the first videos recorded when he was just new.


Yumna named her new friend Tydus. Urban dictionary described the meaning of Tydus as “Giant Great Warrior”. “Strong, handsome, protector of his people. Great friend. Trustworthy. Sincere.” Well, some would think that this could well be describing the nature of most dogs. Tydus did grow up to be a handsome boy but Alaskan Malamute, as a rule, are not fit to be guards, being too protective is not in their natures. But this name strangely held a clue as to what was coming next.

Tydus was a friendly boy who did not take a lot of time to settle in. Soon he had his own set of toys, utensils and his own territory in the house. Living up to the name of his breed Tydus was an active pup who loved to stay out in the open. And his new home provided him with ample green space. This is him at 8 weeks old. All seemed normal until that time. He was comfortable with his new family and they adored him.  It was only after a couple of months that Yumna figured that things were not all ‘normal.’

Tydus the Dog - alaskan malamute Adopt a Pet

Part of the Pack

Looking at these pictures it is hard to believe that the Alaskan Malamute is not a dog and wolf crossbreed. And the previous video in which he was howling, he could easily pass for a baby wolf. This wolf cum dog was starting to become a part of the Saloojee clan. He had become friendly with Yumna, her boyfriend, and other friends and he was growing bigger just when he was growing older. Just how things would go, no one from the clan could have guessed.

Just like all other dogs of his breed, Tydus was growing into a beautiful dog and initially, Yumna did not doubt anything. She was anyway expecting him to be a relatively big dog which is not unusual for the breed of Alaskan Malamute. However, this was just the beginning and Yumna underestimated a lot of things about her new guest and she did not know or could not even have guessed what was she even in for.

Tydus the Dog - alaskan malamute Adopt a Pet

Turned Into A cat?

Well, looking from behind Tydus just looks like a giant cat. He is 6 months old in the picture and he already seemed like a giant. Pictures ahead show how he actually looked like a part of a cat family. Yumna was completely smitten by her not-so-little-companion and for some time she did not really mind his growth. He was manageable and Yumna thought that he would stop growing soon. She could not have been more wrong.

Tydus was an active and happy puppy and he had enough space to play. Yumna and her boyfriend kept him engaged and their friends and even people from the neighborhood came to play along with Tydus. Unlike other Alaskan Malamutes who are selective in who they socialize with Tydus got along with everyone and was a happy puppy. Until the age of 4 months, he was growing like a normal dog of his breed. Something happened after that!

This is Tydus at 3 months, 6 months and 9 months respectively. He was growing so evidently and so fast! At 9 months Yumna started getting jittery. He was still handlable at 6 months but literally getting out of hands at 9 months and technically he was still a puppy. Imagine if puppy Tydus looked like this, how would full grown Tydus look like! He gave no signs of stopping to grow just yet and Yumna could only wait to see how much bigger this fluff ball was going to grow.