A Tough Fighter
The most remarkable thing about all of this is that the little pup was not giving up on himself. He did not let his disability take the best of him. “He was not giving up. He was fighting and as long as he has a chance at quality of life, we will fight to give him that chance,” Lou later revealed. He was indeed a fighter who did not want to let the odds beat him.
Would He Survive?

One thing about Nubby that shocked everyone was that although he was obviously suffering and struggling a lot, he always gave out a radiant glow, a positive spirit. He never allowed what others would consider a weakness hamper what he was capable of. And it was clear from what Lou and Mark saw, that the little puppy was a true warrior! Would he survive though?
Back Home
And after spending some time at the hospital, it was finally time for the pup to go back home. The hospital had done whatever they could to see that Nubby received all the treatments that he required. After all these treatments, Nubby was now going to return back to Lou and Mark’s house. He would have to be nursed back home by the couple.
By His Side
Even though Nubby was finally back home, since he was not fully recovered, the couple knew that this was now their task. They would have to make sure little Nubby received love and care to get better. Both of them were clear that they still had a long way until Nubby the disabled pup was healthy again. Lou and Mark did not lose hope and were still expecting great results.
A Very Unclear Future
Even though the hospital was not sure that the dog would fully recover or not, the couple hoped for the best and continued being there for Nubby. They took him back home so that he could receive care and attention that would hopefully be enough for the dog to regain his health. And after two weeks passed, Nubby started showing signs of getting better once more. Well, would he be?
Was He Treatable?
Even for an ordinary do to recover from illness at such a tender age is difficult, so Nubby’s chances were pretty thin. Since he had all his other health complications, there was certainty that he would ever get to live longer. His doctors were still concerned that his abnormalities would affect his daily life plus they were unsure if they could be treated at all.