Unexpected Incident
While the couple though the puppy was getting better health-wise, it soon tuned out the way they did not expect. By the time Nubby became 3-weeks-old, his health started to grow worse. He was not being active and pretty soon he refused to use the bathroom and also had a constant sneeze. It was clear that his health was deteriorating, but what could they do?
From His Nose
Nubby was not showing signs of getting better as time went on. There was yet another thing that was strange. It was something the dog was experiencing. Putting aside the fact that the dog was now always tired and did not use the loo, there was one other alarming thing he did. Nubby was blowing milk in the form of a bubble that came from his nose!
Unfortunate News
After seeing that their little pup was suffering so much, Lou and Mark obviously became very scared and anxious. They became really concerned and wanted nothing more than for little Nubby to get better again. They hated seeing him be so down and out. And since they wanted the little puppy to regain his health, they took the puppy to the vet.
Another Complication
And so when they finally took Nubby to the animal hospital, the news that they were given was definitely not what they wanted nor expected. The information that the veterinarian gave them was something that did not help with their anxiety at all. It turned out Nubby had an esophageal abnormality. So now he had yet another health complication to add to his list.
The Treatment
The poor puppy now had another problem that obstructed him from living like a normal dog. He had an esophageal abnormality that was bound to make his life a little harder. “He had a pocket form in his esophagus that was trapping his milk,” Lou later revealed to interviewers. Their poor pup would have to learn how to live with this disability too…
Treating Nubby
Since little Nubby was not capable of getting better himself, he was going to need extra help. The abnormality that the veterinarians discovered was not something he could help himself with. The poor puppy also had issues with breathing and was in need of an oxygen chamber. The hospital tried to treat his disease with the help of antibiotics.