The Dog Ran Out
Just when they thought nothing could go wrong, something unexpected took place. The puppy was hovering about next to the fence and soon he got out and ran outside. And after seeing this, his new owners, the couple, went after their pooch. It was strange because their puppy was digging vehemently under the fence. What was the reason for this?
Digging Because?

And when they saw him from far, the couple was quite confused. What was this little guy up to? Since they got scared that something bad might happen, they ran after him and called out for him to get back. The only thing they were able to do was scratching their heads in confusion. Why was he digging so intently? Well, the couple did not realize that he was trying to show them something…
A Good Boy!
And since this dog was energetic and quick, the couple could not get to him right away. They had to run after him and follow him. They had no clue that he was not running away but rather trying to show them something. The adventurous pup soon made a stop at the shadow of a tree. He then went on to sniff around this area, as if he was looking for something.
For A Good Reason
The puppy had gone far off and the couple was not able to reach him quickly. The couple soon caught up with the puppy and were glad to see that he had stopped when reached a certain location. So where did he stop and why? Well, it turns out, the dog had actually stopped for a good reason. There was something there that he needed to show his new owners.
For What Then?
And so as soon as the woman got close, she went to check why her dog was acting so weird. She wanted to know why they had to chase him all the way there. Surely there must have been a good reason as to why he decided to stop right there. Since the dog was sniffing all over, they grew a little intrigued. Why was her there and what was under the ground?
So Anything Else?
So when the woman got close to the location, she went to get a clearer look. And what she found there was nothing too out of the ordinary. There lay an old rusty can whose lid was a little opened. The can seem to be used for storing something. What could it be used for then? Then after she picked it up the dog proceeded to another location and sniffed around once more.