Self Care

Kristine said what she felt about self-care. In her words the way a mother lives, it is the same way her children would look life up to. She explains, “Sure we have responsibilities, bills, kids, and other work and life priorities, but that doesn’t mean we have to lose ourselves in motherhood. If we aren’t enjoying and living our best life, how will our children learn to do the same?”


Kristine says what people call as her selfish act is not being selfish but it is called as self-love. Children and family are an important aspect of one’s life, but they are not your whole life. One has to take care of themselves and stay healthy to nurture their family.

Healthy Eating

Kristine highly promotes healthy eating habits amongst women and especially in mothers. Her motto is that to serve one’s family and provide them with the best, one has to be fit by self first.

The Advice

Kristine had a piece of very wise advice or to say, a parent tip for all the parents. She agrees that children need their parent’s attention and time, but there is one thing which they need to learn and that is…

The Tip

Kristine says, “What kids need is for us to show up at home. To be there to teach them to love themselves. To encourage them to work hard and show them the discipline it takes to get good grades. And to not be everything for everyone else, but forget to first give to ourselves.” That’s a piece of pretty cool advice.