Some Other Day

Other people could not understand her reason. They rather questioned Kristine. There were people who asked her that didn’t she find any other day to work out? Just like she has a schedule an appointment for work, why didn’t she had one for the award ceremony.


Amongst many criticizers, one of the comments from them read something like this, “You have lots of other days to workout, your daughter won’t have that many special award night, I never missed any of my kids’ award nights, all I felt was proud, wouldn’t miss it for anything especially to work out.” To this even Kristine had something to say.

She Understood

When people were criticizing Kristine, she took that criticism also with grace. And explaining her part she wrote, ” She understood, gave me a hug, and thanked me for all I do for her.” She referred this in regard to her daughter whose award ceremony she skipped.

Still Glad

Kristine was still happy about her sharing the actual reason for her missing on that event. She was no more guilt conscious and moreover, she thought of inspiring other women and mothers in the world through this post. How?

No Apologies

On her blogging page, Kristine wrote, “I make no apologies for missing that assembly that day, nor do I regret posting it on social media. And I encourage more women to do the same”. She further explained this by saying…

No Excuses

Her post further read, ” It doesn’t matter if you’re a single mom, a stay at home mom, or work 80 hours a week…And you don’t need an excuse for why you’re missing it.” To make her point even valid and inspire other females out in the world, Kristine talked about self-care.