What Happened That Day?
He was enjoying his stay in the house because he didn’t feel like going out and decided to take off from work. But little did he knew, his staying home alone would change his life forever. He could hear noises that were coming from the outside of his house. He knew the area and these noises seemed familiar to him. Still, he didn’t want to take any chances. But he had to see what it was and when he did things changed for him.
Interesting Facts About Alaska
On March 30, 1867, The United States agreed to sell Alaska to Russia in $7.2 million. Not only that, it was a 13-year-old boy who designed the flag of this state. Alaska is one place where things are literally different from other parts of the world. Like, it is legal to hunt a bear but it’s illegal to wake up a sleeping bear. There are other interesting facts about Alaska that makes it different from other.
Some Bizzare Law
There are some laws that prohibit a person to push a moose from a plane, viewing a moose from a plane, and giving a moose beer. There is a place in Alaska names Barrow, the longest night span is of 67 days and in summer there is sunlight for continuous 82 days. Because of its long summers, Alaska has been able to generate several oversized produce, including 35-pound broccoli, a 65-pound cantaloupe, and a 138-pound cabbage.
Amazing Alaska
All we know is that Alaska is the most beautiful and interesting place that could be found on this planet. This place has everything. And if you think that human cannot survive this place extreme condition then one thing we should learn from human history is that we are the most talented species that can survive anywhere. There are 20 highest mountains in the United States and 17 of them are found in Alaska. Denali “The Great One” is 20,320 feet above sea level.
There Is More
Alaska is the largest known state of the union. Like it’s very big or you could say that 1/5 of the entire USA and add two Texas. There are about 100,000 glaciers that cover 5 percent of the state. The most amazing thing that happens her for continuous 243 days a year is the Northern Lights. That’s not all. Alaska has a few other amazing things that one should know.
Other Few Facts
In 1971, the place called Prospect Creek Camp experienced the lowest temperature recorded which was -80 degrees Fahrenheit. There is one other bizarre law that goes around in the Alaska state that states, you aren’t allowed to whisper in someone’s ear while they are on moose hunting. And they say that there is 1 bear to every 21 people.