She Helped As Well

Ellen was also in awe of their friendship and how the universe aligned for the two to get together once more. It was indeed amazing to know that he initially helped her with her car trouble while years later, she unknowingly returned the favor by taking care of his mom battling a heartbreaking disease. And as expected, in “Ellen” fashion, she gave her a check of $10,000.
Fate Or Coincidence?

Coincidences often lead to things that make real life unbelievable and special. And incidents like these are quite rare but it does happen. There is a saying for this wherein people often say, “life’s stranger than fiction”, right? There have been so many weird coincidences in the past that make life wonderful. However only some get to steal the Nation’s heart like Tunde and Chris!
A Rare Story

“It’s just amazing what’s been done,” Chris explains, “It’s a neat thing. It’s helped my wife and I, it’s almost like the Lord has used all this to somewhat take some of the stings out of the grief of losing my mom.” He wrote on YouCaring site, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it.” – Hebrews 13:2. This should teach us that kindness can lead to great things.
Impact On People’s Lives

This story should be enough to let us know that kindness is never lost. Tunde and Chris’ amazing story is a unique one that stands out from the vile and native content we see on social media every day. Sometimes these negative stories we spread end up taking a toll on us but we should always focus on the positive just like Chris and Tunde did.