Kindness And Love

So, on the site, Tunde and Chirs share their story and why she deserves to fulfill her academic dreams. “Tunde exudes joy and lives every breath to serve people as she was designed to do by our Heavenly Father. To know her is to love her and we are all in awe of how God worked so miraculously for our paths to cross again when we needed her most.” The story struck a chord with so many people. There was one special person who then called…
Hooked On Her

People did not seem to be able to get enough of the remarkable story of Tunde and Chris. Their experience was truly special and rare. It was sort of magical too! There were people who found it unbelievable to learn about the way these two crossed path in such a mysterious way. Others were convinced it was the work from up above. Then Tunde was about to get even better news.
Meeting Their Goals

The campaign then hit $1,000 in just a matter of 45 minutes from posting it online. The two were in shock. In just a week, $8,000 was raised for Tunde’s education. Tunde was completely astonished. And soon their total reached $20,000 in donations and Tunde did not even know how to react. There was a load of people who felt like she deserved this. But wait, there is more…
Donations Keep Pouring

Tunde had never ever seen this much money her entire life and she did not even know what she would spend it on. There are a few people who would be able to spend all of this cash on a shopping spree. But Tunde had other plans on where she would use the money. And yes, it indeed includes education! Her story was about to make news because of how amazing it was…
The Ellen Show

People from television and news channels were also interested in finding out more about Chris and Tunde’s magical re-encounter. And soon, the producers of “The Ellen Show” were also on the loop and made a call to Tunde and Chris. Ellen Degeneres herself was among the people who wanted to meet Tunde. You better believe she was excited to meet Ellen. What followed next was truly amazing.
The Nation Loves Her

And after she appeared on “The Ellen Show”, the story of Tunde and Chris was relatable to millions of people. The kind of friendship that Tunde and Chris was the kind you see on screen. It was amazing to see that their bond was strong and would last for life considering how they met and reunited once again. And Ellen wanted to do something for the two amazing people.