Feeling Lucky

Chris felt bad for the lady who was not having her luck. He did not just drop her to the station, he even paid for the gas. He wanted to do this for the lady and saw this as the least he could do. She barely had enough for some amount of gas, let alone to fill up her tank. In a way, Tunde was certain that Chris was a blessing from above. She was right about this and would soon find out.
Out Of Luck

Chris got a strong sense that this woman was both so strong and vulnerable at the same time. He was intrigued by her. She was tough enough to not have a breakdown even after being stranded. Chris got a strange feeling that she needed more than just being dropped at the gas station. Chris felt happy that he was present to help her. However, this was not the only time he helped her.
From Up Above

All Chris wanted to do was to help Tunde in whatever way he possibly could. He drove her back to fill up the tank of her car. He had a strange connection to her and could not even say his goodbyes to her. Everyone has difficulties in life but he was sure he would be able to help this kind woman. And so that was when he decided to take his wallet out and give all his cash to her. He felt she needed it more than he did. She was beyond thankful to him. They then parted ways. They did not expect to ever meet up again.
What Is Most Important?

Chris was the kind of person who did not hesitate to give something of his to someone if he felt they needed it more. He was selfless and generous that way. He always wanted to give to others as much as he could. He was sure he would get the cash he had in his wallet back in no time. He knew for sure that Tunde was in a situation where she needed the money more than him. However, even Chris was about to face some difficulty in life too…
A Negative Outlook

Life got difficult for Chris as his mother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. She had been struggling for a while, so Chris had to shift to Georgia to be beside her. But her health deteriorated. Judy was in need of medical care 24/7. Her husband could not handle all this responsibility so they had to hire professional help. So they looked for a professional nurse. However, the woman they decided on, did not show up last minute. But someone came to the rescue.
Health Is Everything

One of the most important things in life that money cannot buy is health. You need health and a lot of love to make the world your oyster. This was clear for Chris. He felt helpless and sad that his mother was sick like this but the only thing he could do was to be there in case she needed anything from him. When someone new showed up, Chris and his whole family did not expect this person to change their whole lives.