Making Notes

Irina was making rough notes about the possibilities of the baby’s background. She recalled that the child was a well-dressed one and he even had some nappies and clothes along with some baby food in his box. Someone probably had properly planned and then left the baby like that.

Sharing Posts

Irina shared a heartfelt post about this assumed to be abandoned baby over the web. People shared her posts like crazy in the hope of finding the baby’s parents. Moreover, they reacted to this post in varied ways. While some sympathized others questioned humanity.

Where Is Humanity

People questioned each other regarding how can someone do such an inhuman thing to a baby. Leaving a child, like is something only a heartless man can do. Moreover, other residents appraised and applauded Irina and Masha for the kindest gesture they showed towards the baby.

A Hero

Whoever came across this story of Masha saving the life of a baby, declared her as a hero. Until now only the residents of the apartment were glad about her but now half of the population residing in that land was proud of this cat.

What An Example

Masha’s acts have compelled people to believe that G0d resides in animals. Not all superheroes wear capes some just have fur and four legs. Masha had become a great example. She was already a loved pet but now she was an even more lovable one.

Officials On Mission

However, the police authorities are on a mission to locate the whereabouts of this baby. Till then the baby is with Irina and Masha. They are hopeful that they will be able to locate a clue about the child. They were sure that the CCTV on the streets could provide them with evidence of the baby’s biological parents or any guardian.